Nature Right Across the Street

I was sitting at my computer figuring the damage my winter trips and taxes have done to my small savings account when a cacophony of barks, yips and bone chilling howls went up just across the street. I live across from Hyland Park. Just beyond the train tracks is a 1,000-acre park where I regularly see deer, pheasants, turkeys, owls, and all kinds of prairie wildlife. I've never seen the coyotes though I've heard them before. Except when they break into the yipping, their high-pitched voices almost sound like human screaming. The noise from this pack pierced the sound barrier of my walls and windows.

I opened the front door to get a better read on where they were, almost in my across-the-street neighbor's back yard. Perhaps a dog disturbed their night hunting. Years ago, before park rangers admitted there were cyotes in the park, my dog Bailey would get wind of something and tear off into the blackness, chasing something that could run like lightening. Those ghost chases scared me a bit.

How lucky I am to have the gift of this nature right across the street.


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I've been up since 4:30 this morning just catching up with life. I checked my bookmarks and popped in to see how you were doing and you really have had some fun times since I checked in last.

    I think it is neat that you heard coyotes on the day Nick left. The woman who was going to come to the house to put Nick to sleep...her last name was Wolf...I know coyotes, wolves...almost the same thing to most people.


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