Breaking Up is Hard to Do

I have resigned from my job. It's a job that has held almost no joy or satisfaction for the last nine or ten months. It was time to move on. When I was finally ready to move, I looked around and happily found a fabulous spot to land. Leaving a place in which I have invested my heart and soul and many, many, many hours is a difficult thing to do. I don't believe I could have left without all the drama and betrayal of the year behind me. I am not one who leaves or quits things easily.

And now the break.

I am such a worker bee, I find it difficult to define myself without my job. A day stretching ahead of me with few or no "have-to-do's" is almost frightening. After only two days off I had no idea what the date or day was.
So what am I going to do? Sell the Volvo. Check, already done. Clean Mary's and Devin's rooms. And why should I do that? Read three books; one each week. Go to the State Fair. See at least three movies. Buy some new clothes. Five new hip, casual outfits for my hip, new job. And, the big thing. Perhaps fly away for a couple of days to a place I've never been before. Toronto? Montreal? Vancouver? Billings? Taos? (Too hot.) We'll see if that really happens.
I'm open to suggestions.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    CONGRATS!!! I'd love to fly away with you somewhere - if only I could right now - can you make it to Italy in October???


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