Floating in Champagne

It's been a "millionty" days since my last blog entry. I don't know what to write. I had decided to make this blog positive and I feel as though I don't have anything positive to say. Well, that's not quite true. I had a lovely, relaxing time at Ann's cabin several weekends ago. We ate, drank and floated. On those scorching, 100-plus-degree days, it was sublime.

So why don't I just do that? Eat, drink and float? (I'm using float figurately now-at Ann's I did literally float through the weekend on a double-wide air mattress.) Floating isn't in my genes. For the most part I've churned my way through the river of my life. It's exhausting.

Last night Michael and I went out to Mary Ann's and sat on the porch and drank a very nice campagne. I love champagne. My brother loved champagne too and would lift a glass and say, "Champagne, it is life!" Champage is a lovely life. Golden, effervescent, not too sweet, just a little dry, and oh so delicate. I want life like champagne.


  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Martha, You are a woman of so many skills...glad I could introduce you to a new useful one...floating. I hope it comes in handy some day.


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