The Woman in the Mirror

I am obsessed with taking pictures of myself. My daughter Mary was scanning the photos in my phone and chastised me, "I thought you weren't going to do that any more?" I wasn't. The truth is, I just can't believe what I see. That person in the picture can NOT be me. I don't think she looks anything like me. Here's two of the latest portraits. (I got as far away from the camera in my computer as was possible and still stay in focus. I took 10 shots.)

Note the new hair color. That's what motivated me to click the photo booth, the caramel-colored hair. And then I had to take note of the two different sized eyes; a remnant of Grave's disease. The papery eyelids and the lines. Most horrible of all are the radiating vertical grooves rising with ire from my eyebrows! Is it vain to really, really want those to go away? I am so conscious of them, I deepen then with the concern I have over them.

I realize this is vanity and that vanity is not becoming whatsoever. "Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves; vanity, to what we would have others think of us.” I think Elizabeth said this in Pride and Prejudice. Sadly, I am likely both proud and vain.

And here's the vainest question of all, Do you think I should get botox injections to deaden my forehead and relax those worry lines? What will you think of me? Sigh. 
