S is for Serendipity

It was a spontaneous decision to choose serendipity for the S word. Don't you love the sound of that word? It sounds like its meaning. Funny, I don't really believe in the word anymore. I think hardly anything is CHANCE - happy or not. I prefer to believe stuff happens for a reason. Just because I have that belief doesn't mean I don't like or intend to use the word anymore. I am simply going to assign a new meaning - happy fate as opposed to ill-fated.

I am considering writing a play about the fact that I have very little obvious serendipity in my life. I am not bitter about this. I have used my lack of serendipity to tell a lot of funny stories:

Pregnant out of wedlock
Stood up at the altar
Fired from two jobs
Boss mimed shooting me in the temple (and that one didn't fire me, he just shot me)

This is just the abbreviated list and just some of the havoc I have wreaked upon myself. There are several other really biggies that are acts of God. And of course there are the ridiculously annoying "boy do I have bad luck" incidents, e.g. getting a terrible case of poison ivy on my bumm after peeing in the bushes on a camping trip, or saying something mean spirited about someone only to discover he is sitting at the next table. Did I mention that I learn things the hard way.

At least I'm learning and I do love the word serendipity. 5 fun syllables that make me smile.

Most of the ba
