R is for Regret

People are always extolling the virtue of living life with no regrets. What? No regrets? I have a steamer trunk full of 'em. I am strong "like bull" from dragging that massive trunk with me wherever I go. Do people with no regrets lack any sort of conscience? Do they have no sense of blameworthiness of their own conduct, intentions, or character? Or are the no regrets people perfect?

Here's a short list of regrets:
Anytime I have lost my temper and that is somewhere in the ten thousand range since I've lived just a tad over 20,000 days. I really DO regret this and I regret even more the times that I've been so enraged that I swore, stomped, slammed, left, thrown myself on the floor, locked doors, thrown THINGS, and said words that the minute they left my mouth I wanted to snatch them back and lock them in Pandora's box and throw away the key. And of course most of these uncalled for, unacceptable, and unforgettable tantrums were directed at people I love. Why? (That's definitely another blog entry. Maybe.)

Placing my baby for adoption. (And that's another blog too.)

Anyway. Yeah. I have some regrets. I am working on them.
