P is for Persnickity

The blog spell check says I haven't spelled this correctly but who cares? You who don't read this know what I mean. Persnickity is one of those words that sounds exactly like it's meaning. I have a persnickity neighbor. Actually, my neighbor seems to be much more persnickity than the fussy, sharp-edged, harmless personality that persnickity denotes. He objects to us playing football in our backyard. Two days ago he came around his Berlin wall of a fence to tell Ben and Brian that he didn't want them using the new fence as a "backstop." Yesterday the football got stuck in the tree that hangs over into our yard and he threw down a flag and called a 20-yard penalty. He told me we weren't respecting his property. I replied that my children and grandchildren were simply playing in the backyard having fun. Is a football in the tree an act of disrespect? If he didn't have the Berlin wall up. We could have gotten the ball from our yard! Peace out.
