H is for Homophobia

Did you know the word gay first appeared in a publication in 1960? I would bet my life on the fact that homophobia was born before that and today in the Star Tribune Katherine Kersten warns of the dire consequences of same-sex marriage. She says gay marriage "will put government on a collision course with religious institutions and believers, and it's a sure bet government will win." If we legislate same-sex marriage, people who believe kids need a mother and father "will be treated with the contempt formerly reserved as racial bigots."

Here's the chaos that will ensure:
Churches will lose their tax-exempt status
Faith-based charities will have to stop offering social services (adoption for example)
Public employees will be disciplined or fired if they "disapprove" of homosexuality
Student groups who don't want to accept gays will fold
Small business owners will be liable under discrimination laws, e.g. photographers who won't take wedding photos at gay marriages
And finally, same-sex activists will vandalize the property of those who don't agree with them

Whew! Be afraid, very afraid.
