E is for Eschatology

Oh boy, if you're looking for funny, you probably don't want to even start reading about eschatology. Hey, it's an important topic. What happens at the end of time? Or is there an end to time? Or even smaller, what happens when you and I are out of time.

When my son, Devin, was about 11 or 12 he started having eschatological thoughts. Almost every single night for a several month period he would cry (tears!) and call me into his room. The he would ask with urgency, "Mom, what happens when we die?"

I told him I couldn't verify my belief scientifically but I believe our souls live on and I do have a bit of science backing this belief. Besides my belief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, 20th century physicists discovered that energy doesn't dissipate. So, where does the energy of a human go after death? It has to go somewhere. It still exists. So I said with a great deal of certainty, it goes to heaven. Of course that led to a discussion what heaven is and is not. I will spare you that.

The Mayan's calendar ends in 2012. Anyone want to talk about that?


  1. I met some hippies that say the calendar doesnt end it is just the cycle finishing and a new one will start. and then they ate some seaweed.


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