C is for Citrulline

This dictionary approach to writing the blogs is fun for me. I was thrilled to find the word citrulline on the pages I flipped to in my red Merriam-Webster. It's actually the name of an amino acid AND the genus name of a fruit that I think I could live on in the summer - watermelon! There is a lot to love in watermelon and I will count the ways.

It's sweetness can almost induce ecstasy in me. (Don't read into that.) The color of a ripe watermelon, that dark pinky red, is happy and lush. The sound it makes when you thunk it is deep and resonant. The variation in density between the fruit and the rind is amazing and unmatched in any other fruit (that I can think of right now).

The fruit comes from Africa and is 98% water. The rind is simply a handy water jug containing a sweet and satisfying drink.

Seems the only think not to like about watermelon is the room they take up in your refrigerator.
