First the Sauces

Michael and I went to Julie & Julia last night. Yes, I loved it. I loved it because I imagine Julia Child to be as genuine and original as she is portrayed by Meryl Streep. Her lack of self consciousness and her shining energy is captivating. Her positivity is boundless. I want to be like her.

We got home and pulled out Michael's copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking. He found it in the kitchen of his grandmother's cabin; his Aunt Mary left it behind in Minnesota when she moved to California. Soups, sauces and stocks are first and I have decided to learn to make all the sauces in this book. There are seven categories of sauces - white, brown, tomato, egg yolk and butter, oil and vinegar, and flavored butters.

The opening of the chapter on sauces begins like this: Sauces are the splendor and glory of French cooking. The next time you come over it's highly likely I'll serve a bechamel sauce on something. Won't that be splendid?


  1. I made eggplant ravioli with an amazing white sauce today... you can't always rough it.
    and yes, I made the pasta and everything.


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