What in the world do I have to say?

Although I have a burning desire to say something, I start and stop this blog because I don't believe I have anything relevant to say to anyone. I certainly don't want to blog about my work. I spend way too much time thinking about other people's communication plans. I just don't have a plan of my own. And back to where I started. Who cares what I say anyway?

I facebook. (Yes, I do believe I can use that as a verb.) I'm not too clever at the pithy, funny, existential status statements. I would feel self-centered chronicling my mundane comings and goings. I have posted pictures of myself, as well as turkeys in my yard. Neither album has been viewed, I'm certain.

I've signed up for Twitter and have tweeted 6 times. Once again, who cares about what I'm doing on an hourly basis?

I clearly need to find my voice. I'd write a play only I know it would feel like "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Rage is an emotion that lurks just beneath my epithelia.
