No, Now!

I read the Power of Now this year by Eckhart Tolle. It's been billed as the most important "spiritual book of our time." More important than Lumen gentium penned by Pope Paul VI in 1964? The outcome of the Second Vatican Council? Well, no matter. It was the most important spiritual book I've read this year! And here's why...

It imparted this single mystery: There is no other moment that than this one, now. Now. Now! There is no past. There is no future. Only now. So be in it.

If you're anything like me, this is hard. Almost impossible. I am one who rehashes the past, paying special attention to those mercurial feelings. He hurt me, she betrayed me, he left me. And can you imagine; he didn't like me? Those voices of the past invade my now and ruin it in a heartbeat. They invite me to live these feelings, a phantom life, over and over again.

I can also project myself into the future, it's quite a feat. I start businesses, write novels, and travel the world. I celebrate the perfect Christmas eve without ever burning the ham. Those two friends of mine, fear and insecurity, influence the future too. That's too risky, you're not good enough, you don't have the money.

Mr. Tolle says you can't be here now if you're recreating the past of living the future. He's right. And NOW, I have to take a shower or I'll be late for work.
