Food Glorious Food

As I have previously acknowledged, I don't eat all that well. That's going to change. I have been reading a bit about food and my sister has become a walking wikipedia on this topic. Her advice is to eat real food. Cut dairy (yes I know, that seems harsh), cut corn syrup and cut white flour, oh, and buy organic. OK. Here's the deal. Michael wanted to do Weight Watcher's. Great idea. Helps you practice making good food choices, limit your portions, and be conscious of what you eat. I only want to drop a pound or two, but I'm signing on to focus on good choices.

We're also going to up the activity level. We started with hitting some golf balls at the Braemar Dome. Fun! Not that much activity but we were out there.

I'll keep you posted on this endeavor. No more heaping tablespoons of Marie's Chunky Blue Cheese Dressing on a gigantic baked potato. I'm going for balance here.
