Fear of Flying

When I sit down at my little desk I cannot escape the words of Seamus Heaney hanging on the wall in front of me. He exhorts me to, "Take off from here... Let go, let fly, forget." Letting go is not an easy task me.

Just a few weeks ago I went with my friend Mary Ann to Phyllis McCoy, a "spiritual advisor." She gave me a simple message from the angels who are trying to guide me on my journey. She said they were telling me to "let go" of information and wisdom I had gained in my lifetime that was no longer needed. She described a large, sturdy English mansion in which every room was full. Time to clean house they said. What's more, I didn't need to make any decisions about what to keep or throw; I was to simply ask them to clean out closets and drawers as they saw fit! Service Master of the psyche and soul!

I did take their advice and asked them to do a little spring cleaning. Hurts, humiliations, anger, grudges, guilt, fear, these are better left forgotten.

And I have taken off from there. As you can see, I literally let go and let fly. I lept from a platform gripping a circus trapeze in Cancun, swung from my knees and then let go of the bar with my hands. When told, I left the bar behind and reached out for Dave. At that moment when I left the bar I was flooded with a giddy lightness. Pure joy.

Letting go is good.


  1. Your blog is always so inspirational and it always lives on such an amazingly 'high' level (no pun intended ;-))
    Keep it up!


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