You can't fight physics

As all of you who read this know, my life is a human interest story. I have enough material to rival "Screens" for a marathon one-woman performance. (Does anyone remember "Screens?")

Today, the St. Paul newspaper published Mariah's story. Mariah, my brother's first daughter, is putting herself together. Making sense of her physical characteristics, her attributes and shaping her values. She's finding her past in order to shape her future. And I support her in this work.

My parents' inability to accept the reality of this grown girl as Tom's daughter has polarized the family. I have thrown myself against this wall time after time in the last two and half years to no avail. Why didn't I wake up sooner? The laws of physics are at work in the family. Every force is met with an equal or greater force. As a spiritual counsenselor said to me on Friday, "What you resist, persists." Resisting their feelings is futile. I picture this as two techtonic plates crashing into one another and creating a massive mountain range. Now, we all have to climb over the mountains.

Here's a tiny look at the future for you Carrie:
I will love Mariah.
I will love my parents.
And of course I love all of you as well.
I will embrace both physics (which I consider to be the laws of God) and the Truth.
And all will be well, all manner of things shall be well.
