Leeks Scmeeks

Some days I worry about my brain function. Yesterday, Michael and I hosted a dinner party at my house. We decided to serve Steam Boat, an Indonesian hot pot dish. It's a stew made at the table in a pot heated by charcoal. We put plates of vegetables, seafood and meat on the table and let the diners put it into the pot.

With two vegetarian guests, we decided we needed two pots. One would have chicken and fish broth and the other vegetable. So, only hours before the guest were to arrive, we went to several Asian grocery stores to find a pot and to buy authentic ingredients. On 26th and Nicollet, at the Huang Sur Supermarket we found the pot. Across the street was Java Restaurant and Michael just had to have a swaharmi. (I think that was what it was called.) By that time it was 4:00 PM and the guests were arriving at 6:30. Yes, I was getting a bit anxious.

But that wasn't our last stop. Michael had a bike on top of his car and wanted to drop it at Penn Cycle for repair. I suggested he let me off at Cub Foods where I would grab the last few things we needed while he took the bike. I had a my list and tore through the produce section seeking European cucumber, Asian cabbage and the all important leeks. I was in and out in record time and waiting at the door when he pulled up. He dropped me off at the house while he went home to walk the dog and shower! (OK, he was stopping at Coastal seafood to get the shell fish too.) I began to chop and slice.

While cutting chopping the leeks I wondered at their feathery tops. Hmmm. These leeks have fennel-like tops I thought to myself. Wiping the fine greens from the floor before going upstairs to splash my face and apply a little lipstick No shower for me!

Much later, after champagne, lovely crab spring rolls that we ate almost as quickly as Michael and Carrie made them, and several glasses of wine from the beautiful winery, Bella, we were gathered around the pots. As we were ladling our bowls full of fragrant broth, shellfish and vegetables, Mark said, I think for the third time, "are you SURE these are leeks?" Well, I was a little woozy from the wine and the lack of oxygen caused by charcoal burning in the house, but I replied, "of course I'm sure." "Because this tastes an awful lot like FENNEL," he added.

FENNEL. The word registered in my brain and I connected it with my musings about the funny tops on the leeks. Sure enough I had put two huge fennel bulbs into the Steamboat. I've agonized over that mistake for days. Paralyzed, unable to complete this entry because I feel so stupid.

OK. I'm almost over it. The food was fun and fragrant (all that fennel) and would have been a lot better with leeks. Next time.


  1. Thanks. You are so kind about the fennel. It WOULD have been better with those leeks!

  2. What a wonderful evening and meal! We loved everything about the food, the company and the hosts! Such a warm, friendly and fun time and exotic manner of eating. But somehow i think my role in the affair has been over-dramatized just a bit ;–)... but that's ok, I'll be your dramatic foil anytime!

  3. Ha. You are the dramatic foil. And a good one too. A blog isn't a news report, it is slightly fictionalized! And Mark, you just pointed out what I did already know and didn't want to admit. I have a picture in my mind of you actually chewing the fennel, tipping your head and saying, "are you sure this isn't fennel?" And then it finally registed in my brain.

    I did agonize for several days over the fennel!


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