Come on come on comment come on

OK. So I know I haven't written enough posts. And I know I have an infinitesimally small readership. But still. Can't someone comment some time? Don't I say anything that is comment-able? A few of you have said you can't get on. I don't know why.

I am making a commitment here. I will write twice a week. There will be something for you to look forward to. My words. Hah! As if anyone really looks forward to them. I am likely boring which accounts for the lack of comments.

I am starting a new job and am very excited about it. Perhaps I will open a new blog and write about my progress is this new life. Will you comment then?

Please write.


  1. I'll try to be better about commenting! This post was good, as it didn't make me feel like a doofus, (and we know it's all about me).

  2. AND, man oh man, congrats on the new job! You're going to do just greatly, I know.

  3. Wow. The harangue worked. You talked to me. This is what a blog is supposed to do. I have to keep this up!

  4. oh yes, please keep it up. I just now read the 'champagne' post. i don't know if i'd call your life 'delicate' ;-) but it is very bubbly, for sure!


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