Sweetness & Light

My niece Emily named me Aunt Cake two years ago and as silly as it sounds, it's a sweet name. I loved it so much I introduced myself to my grandson as Grandma Cake and as early as 8 months Shef called me Cake. In the last year that has morphed into Cupcake. When he say in his hoarse little voice, "Hi Cupcake!" I imagine myself with sprinkles on top.

Shef and Cupcake spent the afternoon together while mom and dad cleaned the newly remodeled house. Dan buckled the car seat into the back seat of my car and I buckled in the boy and off we went. After fifteen minutes on the freeway, he fell fast asleep with crazy purple and pink "sun-gasses" on and fig newton crusting around the edges of his "passy." Adorable. I pulled the car into the garage, opened the car windows, left the garage door open, along with the door to the house and let him snooze in his seat. He roused after about thirty minutes and as I lugged him from his seat I asked, "Do you want to nap some more?" "Nap more," he said. So I stretched out on the couch with Shef on my chest and he went to sleep.

As I looked down at his long, soft lashes dusting his round cheek, I marveled at this little boy's simple ability to trust. I breathed in the sweetness of his light breath and experienced peace and love. What a gift.

Later, when we were playing outside, he hunched up his shoulders and clasped his hands, as if slightly embarrassed and then looked at me with an earnest face and said, "I love you Cupcake." Just remembering it brings tears to my eyes. "I love you too Shef," I answered.
