The Catch of the Day

This week, the chairman of my company came to town and took our entire staff to dinner, eleven of us all together. I had painstakingly selected the restaurant and sweated over the menu because Bill is well known for his food and wine snobbery. Also, I have personally witnessed this otherwise quite gracious gentleman slay waiters. Really. He cuts them down.

Not Thursday night, thank goodness. The service was wonderful and the food, simply amazing. Bill chose the wine, though I don't remember the label I know it was Pinot Noir. Better than good for my uneducated palate. A visual as well as culinary delight, our second course was pike on lavendar foam with snow peas. Though completely foreign and a color akin to cotton candy, the lavendar foam was "magically delicious." It lent the dish a fairy-like quality, airy, pinky-purple and lots of fun. As I swooped the last bite of pike around to sop up the liquour, I was tempted to pickk up my plate and lick it. I refrained.

I did not refrain from having fun. Sitting at the head of the table, I was flanked by Bob and Jim, both 50. We laughed, talked, tasted, and enjoyed every moment of the experience. It was one of those rare times I was able to sense and feel and just be. And to top it off, Jim told me, when I am ready to step into the stream of dating life, I will be quite a catch.

So, there you have it, the pike and me afloat on life's lavendar foam, having fun and anxiously waiting to be the catch of the day.
